Long Island Coalition for Life


The LICL's position on when human life begins follows the current (and long-standing) scientific research that life begins at fertilization (conception) when the male sperm penetrates the female egg to form a one-celled new human being. This zygote is the first stage of development in that person's life.

The LICL's focus is on the intrinsic evil of abortion and direct threats to the right to life, specifically euthanasia, assisted suicide, embryonic stem cell research and cloning.

LICL opposes abortion at any point of gestation, as it destroys a living, growing human life. In the rare case that the mother's life is indeed endangered by a continuation of the pregnancy, sound medical practice would dictate that every effort be made to save both lives. LICL supports an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would guarantee the right to life of all persons from the moment of fertilization.

LICL supports adoption as one possible, positive solution for a woman bearing a child she is unable to rear. We support legislation to facilitate the adoption process, thus making it easier to place children with eligible couples.

The LICL does not condemn those who have been involved in an abortion experience (had one. committed one, paid for one, participated in one, etc.). There are many programs that offer hope and healing to those touched by an abortion (e.g., mother, father, sibling, grandparent). The LICL has no position on the prosecution of mothers who had/committed an abortion.

LICL recognizes the many positive values of this procedure. We also acknowledge the medical fact that these tests can cause a miscarriage. In addition, we oppose any non-therapeutic, prenatal diagnosis for non-treatable genetic disorders and handicaps if the results of the diagnosis are meant to make an abortion decision.

See Euthanasia

LICL takes no position on birth control methods, which are contraceptive only and not abortive in their actions. We are opposed to those birth control methods which act as abortifacients. These could include forms of the pill and IUD which can act to prevent implantation of the newly formed human into the lining of the womb; and prostaglandin suppository drugs, which act to cause delivery of whatever size baby the uterus contains.

LICL takes no position on capital punishment.

LICL asserts the need for a Constitutional amendment, which would annul the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion and return to the people the power to protect all human life, starting at fertilization. We note that constitutional amendments are not self-enforcing, so legislation will be necessary to mandate the protection empowered by a Human Life Amendment. On the other hand, legislation without such an Amendment is not assured of being a permanent solution.

The LICL has no position on the act of contracepting. The LICL is opposed to the use of abortifacient contraceptives. See BIRTH CONTROL

The LICL has no position at this time on whether or not criminal charges should, if applicable, be brought against a mother who underwent an illegal abortion, whether at the hands of an abortionist or through her own direct action (e.g., chemical abortion).

LICL is opposed to an ERA that constitutional experts expect would protect the "right" to abortion created in 1973 and even promote a broader range of abortion "rights." We do oppose discrimination, which leads to death on the basis of sex, age, race, condition, religion, and place of residence, whether it be intra- or extra-uterine.

LICL, while recognizing the possible benefits of genetic screening for couples at risk of chromosomal abnormalities, opposes genetic screening or eugenics programs for the identification of non-treatable, genetically defective children if the testing results are made in order to consider abortion.

LICL opposes the intentional killing of a human being though euthanasia whether by active intervention or by omitting treatment. We approve the accepted medical practice of administering pain-relieving drugs in whatever dose necessary to alleviate the suffering of a terminally ill patient as long as there is no intent to administer or to withhold treatment from a patient in order to bring about or hasten the patient's death. We do not oppose the withdrawal of inappropriate medical intervention, which serves only to prolong the act of dying when there is irrefutable evidence that biological death is imminent.

The predictable outcome of so called "death with dignity," "right to die," "living will," or "natural death" acts has been a growing legal and social acceptance of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Even though a very ill patient may become unable to take part in medical decision-making, the legal doctrine of proxy or substitute consent has been abused to justify killing those who are not legally competent. No legislature should authorize the surrender of a patient's right to life to an agent, committee, or court.

LICL opposes any fetal experimentation, which requires or results in the death of an unborn child. We do not oppose experiments, done with parental consent and following medical research guidelines, which do no harm to the unborn child or the mother, and which are done to further medical knowledge.

LICL supports laws that criminalize intentional, negligent or illegal activity that harms a pregnant woman and results in the death of her unborn child.

LICL recognizes the many positive values of a fetoscopy procedure though we also acknowledge the medical fact that these tests can cause a miscarriage. We oppose non-therapeutic, prenatal diagnosis for non-treatable genetic disorders and handicaps if the results of the diagnosis are being used to consider abortion.

LICL, while recognizing the possible benefits of genetic screening of preborn children at risk of chromosomal abnormalities, opposes genetic screening or eugenics programs for the identification of non-treatable, genetically defective children if the testing is done to consider abortion as an option.

The LICL respects the right to life of all individuals. Our positions against abortion, euthanasia, etc., are not taken or viewed through the lens of one's sex/gender.

LICL advocates for the passage of tightly written legislation at the national and state level that will permanently ban all human cloning including research on embryos. If human cloning proceeds, our minds can conjure up many scenarios of abuse of human cloning as our society creates human beings of its own designs. Human cloning is an inherent violation of human dignity. As with abortion and assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization, human cloning denies the most fundamental of human rights – the right to life. The research process leads scientists to destroy and discard their ‘failed’ experiments.

Cloning would further violate human dignity by denying the intrinsic value and uniqueness of each human life, thereby viewing human beings as products or commodities. We oppose genetic screening of embryos before uterine implanting and sex selection abortion. Cloning could not possibly respect the intrinsic value of the person created, because a cloned person will not be created simply for their value as a person. There will always be an intended and specific utility attached to a cloned person because he or she was created with a particular genetic make-up for some purpose. Any action taken to create or destroy human beings based on their genetic qualities denies their intrinsic value. We are all better served to encourage the scientific community to direct its knowledge and efforts in ways that will help all mankind, and not in ways of being the instruments of destruction and death.

LICL board members, officers, and chairpersons are prohibited from participating in illegal activities around the issues for which we are organized. As an organization, we will not encourage, condone, or participate in illegal activity of any kind, nor are we affiliated with any organization or person involved in pro-life related illegal activities. We do promote and participate in legal and peaceful pickets, marches, rallies, and similar activities.

LICL opposes abortion for pregnancy resulting from incest. Whereas we understand the trauma involved in such situations, the unborn child conceived is no less human than one conceived under more favorable conditions. In the case of incest, we stress the need to help the entire family correct the situation, which led to the pregnancy. The unborn child is an innocent party and should not be destroyed as a ''solution'' to all the complex problems involved.

As an extension of our opposition to abortion, LICL opposes the killing of newborn infants either directly or by withholding necessary care for their survival. We are devoted to the protection of all human life regardless of the age or stages of that life.

While working toward our goal of total protection for preborn children is reached, LICL supports legislation designed to help a woman make a decision concerning abortion which is based upon her full knowledge of the development of her preborn child, the physical and psychological complications which could result from the abortion, and alternatives to abortion.

While LICL empathizes with couples who turn to IVF as a treatment for infertility, we caution that some commonly used procedures surrounding this practice can cause the deaths of children at the embryonic stage. Any IVF procedure that leads to the destruction of human life at any level of development is opposed by LICL.

LICL is committed to restoring legal, moral protection of preborn human life. We maintain that laws are to be made for the common good and the effective attainment of human values. To establish protection for all human life, legislation is necessary and civilized. .

LICL asserts the need for a Constitutional amendment to protect all human life starting at fertilization. We note that constitutional amendments are not self-enforcing, so legislation will be necessary to mandate the protection empowered by a Human Life Amendment. On the other hand, legislation without such an Amendment is not assured of being a permanent solution.


LICL supports the boycott of the March of Dimes (MOD). The MOD does not pay for abortions, however they have failed to discourage mid-trimester testing, which has resulted in the aborted deaths of children. In addition the MOD has refused to tighten their policy on fetal tissue research. [pending updates]

While working toward our goal of total protection for the unborn is reached, LICL supports legislation requiring parental notification and consent before an abortion is committed on a minor (child). The involvement of the family could be crucial to helping the girl in such a stressful time when she is making decisions about a problem pregnancy.

LICL urges the public to object to Planned Parenthood's anti-life activities. Although this organization conducts medical care unrelated to abortion, Planned Parenthood is ideologically and financially committed to its business of performing abortion and is a leader in the pro-abortion movement and the abortion industry.

LICL views human beings as producers and problem solvers rather than mere consumers and problems. We oppose the use of abortion as a means of birth control and population control.

LICL takes no position on 'pro-family' issues, which do not have a direct bearing on threats to human life (e.g., abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide). As individuals, LICL members are concerned about many issues, including those that affect the family; our members may have differing views on these issues. However, we are united in our belief that the right to life of every individual should be protected by law and society.

The LICL opposes the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions, abortion research, and activities that could encourage abortion as a ''solution'' to problem pregnancies. (The same policy is held in regard to euthanasia and infanticide.)

LICL rejects the notion that a person's quality of life is a measure of the person's humanity or value. We embrace the sanctity of human life ethic as the basis of each person's inalienable right to life.

LICL opposes abortion for pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. Whereas we understand the trauma involved in such situations, the unborn child conceived is no less human than one conceived under more favorable conditions. In the case of rape, we assert the need to educate women to seek immediate medical attention after they are victimized. Instead of the further violence of abortion, we believe women should be provided with compassionate and competent health care (physical, emotional, etc.).

Ethical judgments are often guided by religious conviction and, although we are a non-sectarian organization, our members may be affiliated with a religion. However, one does not need a religion to understand that current scientific teaching asserts that an individual's human life begins at conception. All human life is deserving of respect and protection.

RU 486 (Chemical Abortion)
LICL opposes chemical (medication) abortion because it kills preborn babies.

LICL takes no position on who (e.g., parent, school teacher) should teach children about sexuality. The LICL is not involved in sex education; as it doesn't fall within our focus on selected right to life issues. We assert the need to teach the sanctity of human life starting at fertilization, and object to teaching abortion as an option to end a pregnancy.

LICL recognizes that single issue voting has long been a tradition in American politics (e.g., groups concerned with such issues as unions, gun control, and the environment have worked together to support their cause and their candidate). A pro-life position, taken alone, does not qualify a person for public office. A pro-abortion position, however, can be a disqualifying factor for a candidate from holding public office.

LICL supports research that can save lives of human beings without causing harm to other lives. Stem cell research using adult stem cells, cord blood, or other sources that do not destroy a life to access the stem cells, receives the support of LICL. We oppose all forms of research where living human embryos are destroyed; this includes destructive embryonic stem cell research, as well as aborted fetal tissue research.

LICL is committed to preserving innocent human lives, which are subject to elective termination, by society simply because of their state of existence. Whether these are preborn, disabled, aged, or subject to any demeaning category or classification, we will seek to accomplish this objective through the fullest use of any legal means available. LICL is opposed to violence, in or out of the womb, and condemns any violence directed against persons and property, either in pursuit of the objectives we seek, or in the pursuit of broader objectives of our society.

WAR (Military conflicts)
The LICL has no position on war (military conflicts).